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In Memoriam

Alumni Class
Aardema, Gary M. '72
Amaya, Ever A. '97
Arthur, Lane E. '66
Aurelio, Owen R. '69
Barabe, Nicholas H. '57
Basil, Frank '67
Beaver, Robert W. '65
Beckman, Stuart F. '78
Berg, Terry L. '65
Besenczky, Kalman '63
Blanks, Lawrence E. '69
Borrego, Luis F. '67
Boulger, Lawrence P. '60
Bowers II, Marion P. '81
Boylan, Shawn F. '73
Bruttig, Barton '67
Buckley, Dennis G. '57
Byrne, Michael '85
Byrne, Ralph V. '65
Byrne, Thomas '69
Byrnes Jr., Paul '81
Caliva, Victor A. '67
Callahan, Nathan '68
Campanile, Ronald W. '67
Canale, Robert S. '60
Caniggia, Richard '84
Carnera, Umberto E. '57
Castellucci, Louis A. '62
Chick, Frank '63
Ciccolo, Edward J. '61
Clark, William H. '65
Conter, John W. '67
Cotti, John G. '62
Course Jr., George '73
Cremin, John '74
Culver, Richard '61
Cummings, Edward G. '57
D'Arcy, Timothy '70
Deeney, John '59
DeMonte, Leonard '62
Dente, Timothy '63
Di Fabrizio, Lorenzo '82
Dodder, Walter '60
Dolan, Kerry '79
Dominguez, David '84
Donato, Samuel P. '65
Doran, Sean T. '67
Durant, Robert A. '92
Duthie, John M. '58
Ehrlich, Thomas '58
El Attar, Khaled '84
Elder, Rory '67
Ellis, Ed '88
Espe, George '63
Eulberg, Thomas '66
Fandry, James '66
Fontes, Paul '66
Franklin, Charles E. '64
Fukutomi, Eric S. '67
Gaffney, John '60
Galindo, Frank '58
Gardina, John '65
Gauer, Gerald '67
Giannelli, Daniel '60
Gill, Sean '82
Gimpel, Stephen P. '65
Glaser, Frank '57
Gobrial, Emad '82
Gottlieb, Theodore '59
Guerena, Hector F. '65
Guillen, Fernando M. '67
Habzansky, John M. '65
Haden, James E. '65
Hamacher, John '68
Hamm, John '66
Harbridge, John J. '60
Harrington, Patrick F. '69
Harrison, Tom '72
Heinze, Michael A. '73
Henricksen, Kyle D. '81
Hewett, Martin '94
Higashi, Steven S. '68
Howes, Frederick A. '66
Hunter, James '68
Hunter III, James '73
Imamura, Anthony T. '65
Ingram, Kent L. '81
Jacko, Joseph L. '82
Jackson, Kyle '05
Jacob, William W. '65
Jones, John J. '83
Jones, Orette M. '03
Karalius, Algis '60
Keating, Vincent '60
Keeton, Leon B. '60
Kelley, Todd '82
Kelsey, Ken '60
Kennedy, Robert '88
Kimura, James H. '75
Knabenbauer, Robert H. '59
Krzemuski, Andrew L. '65
La Cour, Gary '61
LaBonge, Stephen '60
Landry III, Walter I. '79
Lanni, Anthony C. '87
Larkin, James '57
Lazlo, Frank '81
Lee, Mike '96
Leon, Jason '97
Leoni, Raymond M. '61
Lestelle, James L. '73
Lewis, Peter F. '69
Lozano, Anthony '90
Ludiway, Richard A. '65
Luer, Walter '65
Lundy, Hughes L. '81
Lutz, Charles E. '67
Lyman, Bryant M. '80
Madigan, Cornelius V. '58
Marder, Jacinto P. '67
Marin, Ruben
Mandanici, Anthony J. '66
Mandanici, Robert N. '70
Marinovich, Adrien '70
Marmolejo, David C. '81
Martinez, Hector '67
Martinoli, Maurice '59
McGhee, Lamont '68
McGrath, Thomas '61
McInerney, Gerard A. '68
McInerney, James S. '66
McKinney, Anthony '82
Meckler, Bruce W. '62
Meiklejohn, Patrick W. '61
Mendenhall, Richard G. '66
Mendez, Michael '99
Meniku, Skender '75
Merlos, Jimmy '94
Minor, Preston A. '65
Montalbano, Joseph C. '67
Monteleone, Frank '67
Montgomery, George B. '69
Monteil, Ron A. '77
Morris II, Henry C. '67
Morris, Joseph '77
Mortz, Francis '67
Mortz, John '72
Mosqueda, Jerry J. '67
Mosqueda, Leonard '64
Mouren-Laurens, John P. '62
Navarro, Edward '70
Neumeyer, James '66
Newton, DeShawn '11
Nixon, Henry '66
Nolan, Jerome '58
O'Bell, Paul '67
Oconnor, George B. '65
Odom, Robert '68
Panta, Miguel '86
Patterson, Aldrich M. '72
Petersen, Donald '69
Piros, Christopher E. '86
Pollock, Robert '68
Presley II, Michael
Prior, William L. '60
Reed Jr., Guy G. '67
Reed, William '63
Reyes, Richard '59
Roberts, Fr. Allan J. '62
Roitz, John A. '79
Rosellen, Richard R. '67
Rupp, David '69
Rzyski, Eugene '66
Salmon, Brian '81
Schell, Frederick A. '78
Schmidt, Kenneth R. '60
Schmidt, Raymond J. '61
Schwarz, Richard A. '64
Sennett, James '77
Sepulveda, Pico N. '65
Shively, George D. '65
Siggins, Richard V. '68
Sloca, Lee '83
Smith, Gerard S. '74
Smith, Timothy '79
Soemardi, Andy '83
Spear, Christopher '77
Speer, John C. '63
Stevens, John '57
Strange, Owen '75
Stout, Dean '84
Stubbs, James '70
Stumpf, Richard L. '67
Swann, Eric E. '68
Sypian, Daniel '58
Sypian, Donald '58
Szeptycki, Christopher '73
Szeptycki, Thomas C. '66
Tappe, John '64
Thatcher, Michael E. '67
Thomas, Edward W. '67
Townsend, David L. '73
Trutanic, Nick '61
Tucker, Chandler '88
Turk, George '72
Turner, Michael '57
Uehlein, Robert '66
Ulloa, Alberto '99
Verde, Anthony A. '58
Vinson, Robert J. '60
Walker, Lance '94
Warren, Todd '82
Watson, Earl E. '66
Welsh, Martin F. '72
Wetmore, William F. '67
Wills, Thomas '66
Wong, Thomas T. '64
Wright, DeForeest B. '63
Zamarripa, Douglas '60
Zane, Anthony '58
Zint, Roger H. '63
Lennis Bartlett
Rev. John Beckett O.P.
Rev. Francis Cahill
Sr. Martin Aloysius Callahan C.S.J.
Rev. Charles Carosella O.P.
Fr. Anthony Casimano O.P.
Fr. Victor Vincent Cavalli O.P.
Fr. Gilbert Cordeiro
Rev. John Courtney M.H.F.
Sr. Naomi Crews I.H.M.
Rev. Peter C. Curran O.P.
Bernard Cuthbertson
Ron Del Monte
Sr. Mary Thomas Duran C.S.J.
Rev. Thomas Dymek O.P.
Edgar Ellis
Bro. Christopher Eskeli O.P.
Rev. Thomas Aquinas Feucht O.P.
Bro. Norbert Fihn O.P.
Dan Fitzgerald
Timothy Fitzgerald
Robert Gliddon
Rev. John Gore O.P.
Sr. Julie Gutierrez I.H.M.
Stirling Hart
Rev. Henry Heinkins M.H.M.
Rev. Dominic F. Hoffman O.P.
Rev. John Victor Kane O.P.
Leon Keeton
Manuela Koch
Rev. Luke A. Kelly O.P.
Fr. Patrick J. Kelly O.P.
Br. James Kevin O.P.
Fr. Joseph Kiefer O.P.
Sr. Catherine Therese Knoop C.S.J.
George Libbon
Salvatorre Lo Piccolo
Bro. Matthew R. Lord O.P.
Joseph Lutgens
Sr. Celeste Lynch B.V.M.
Sr. Charlene Mader O.S.F.
Thomas Maloney
Ruben Marin
Fr. Thomas M. McGreevy O.P.
Rev. Peter Miles O.P.
Bro. Albion Morris O.P.
Michael W. Murphy
Rev. John Augustine Myhan O.P.
Bro. Frederick Narberes, O.P.
Fr. Francis O'Brien O.P.
Rev. Robert Plamondon O.P.
Fr. Alvaro Rodrigues O.P.
Dr. Mary F. Romig
Fr. John Joseph Ryan O.P.
Rev. John W. Ryan O.P.
Richard R. Salassi
Fr. Thomas Sanner O.P.
Rev. John Simones O.P.
Sr. St. George Skurla CSJ
Rev. Herman Steubenruss M.H.M.
Michael T. Tedesco
Joseph Tereschuk
Dr. Maurice Wilfred
J. E. Michael Yuhasz
Anthony Zane
Eugene Zeller

If you know of any alumni or faculty that should be added to this list, please contact us and we will make sure they get listed.