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Some of Daniel Murphy's Notable Nobles

Bernard Parks was a Los
Angeles City Councilman
and the former Chief of
Police of the Los Angeles
Police Department.
William Bamattre was the
Chief of the Los Angeles
City Fire Department for
more than 10 years and
served as the Mayor of
Dana Point for one year.
Patrick Healy has been a reporter for KNBC in Los Angeles since 1984 and has been a regular on the 11:00 p.m. newscast for over a decade. He has been nominated for several Emmy Awards and earned Golden Mike Awards in 1987.
Craig Chretien spent over 25 years with the Drug Enforcement Administration, where he retired as the Assistant Administrator of Intelligence, one of the most senior positions in the agency. For a number of years, he was responsible for all DEA activities in 54 foreign countries as Chief of International Operations. He managed complex international narcotics and money laundering investigations as well as designed and implemented sensitive national security level intelligence programs.
Mario Martinoli is a celebrity chef with a very illustrious career.
Bishop Alexander Salazar.
Ordained on November 4,
2004 by Cardinal Mahony
and appointed Episcopal
Vicar of the San Pedro Region.
Stephen K. Sham was elected a member of the Alhambra City Council in November of 2006 and represents the First District. He was also awarded the Business of the Year Award by the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce in 2006.
After graduating from Daniel Murphy in 1981, Brad Wright went on to play basketball for the UCLA Bruins as well as the NBA's New York Knicks and Denver Nuggets.

If you know of a "Notable Noble" and would like to see him incorporated into this site, please send me an email.