Sad state of affairs...

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Dan Teoli Jr - 72
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Sad state of affairs...

Post by Dan Teoli Jr - 72 »

It is our great pleasure to announce that the Daniel Murphy High School Alumni Association was able to work out an arrangement with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to save most (if not all) of the historically significant artifacts from St. John Vianney and Daniel Murphy High Schools. The artifacts that were saved include yearbooks, pictures, trophies, plaques and banners that we so dearly cherish. While we were not able to save our home (at least not yet), we were able to save these very important items.
Sad state of affairs that the Catholic political machine had no interest in preserving these items on their own. Thanks to those that put forth the effort to memorialize them.
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Greg Philippon
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Re: Sad state of affairs...

Post by Greg Philippon »

Dan Teoli Jr - 72 wrote:Sad state of affairs that the Catholic political machine had no interest in preserving these items on their own. Thanks to those that put forth the effort to memorialize them.
Thank you, Dan.

What I find even more disturbing is the Archdiocese' - or should I say Cardinal Mahony's - lack of interest in preserving Catholic education in general. I'm confident that within the next two years we're going to see more school closures. As we all know, once these schools close, they're lost forever.

I think what really surprises me the most is the apparent lack of concern among the Catholic community with regard to these school closures. Sometimes we think we're fighting a battle that no one cares about.
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Re: Sad state of affairs...

Post by Dwayne82 »

Wow.... I attended Daniel Murphy from 96-98. I moved from LA to the Northern California Area. I came back a couple of times to see how everyone was doing. Today, May 11, 2009. A thought popped in my head, my old principal Mr. Finn, I thought to myself, "I wonder how Daniel Murphy was doing". I proceeded to type Daniel Murphy in yahoo. Before I got to the "P" in Murphy yahoo phrase feature brings up Daniel Murphy scandal and closure. WTF?? Are you kidding me?? I got the link, to this alumni page and it all sunk in.... This is truly a sad day for me. I just found out, and I wasn't even there to fight or express my joys of this school, while it was still open. I entered as a freshman, and left at the end of my sophmore year. I would have graduated in 2000. I'm very sorry this happened, but I can honestly say I had enjoyed the best years of high school here.
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Re: Sad state of affairs...

Post by dannycho03 »

RIP. Juice.
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